
Tag: low pressure aeroponics

Introduction Low Pressure Aeroponics

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What is Aeroponics VS Hydroponics>??

Let’s get some confusion out of the way. Aeroponics is a TYPE of Hydroponics! Hydroponics is growing method of growing plants in a water / air instead of traditional agriculture using a soil media.

Now there is TWO Subtypes of Aeroponics! Their main difference is the idea of high volume of nutrient solution at low pressure VS low volume of nutrient solution at high pressure. This is the Ideological difference between High Pressure VS Low Pressure Aeroponics.

The two systems types have many other types of differences but we discuss in other articles such as Low VS High Pressure Aeroponics (One of our most popular articles currently!) Today is about the Introduction of Low Pressure Aeroponics known widely as LPA

What is Low Pressure Aeroponics?

In general, Aeroponics is much different than other types of hydroponics. In other Hydroponic types, root systems are generally “in” hydroponic solution. While in Aeroponics, the roots are suspended in air and misted with nutrient solution on a regular basis. Low pressure aeroponics the roots are heavily misted and many times reach down into the nutrient solution reservoir. In LPA, pumps are selected more for higher water volume than pressure. The mist is course and larger in size.  

Basic LPA System Design

Low Pressure Aeroponic System Diagram

Root Chamber

Vertical Aeroponic towers greenhouse

Shape / Size:

The root chambers come in many different shapes & sizes. Most chambers are setup completely dependent on type of crop being grown. They can range from upright / horizontal pipes for small leafy greens OR very deep for large crops such as tomatoes. 

Aeroponic Net Pot Layout

Plant Net Basket Layout:

Net baskets are mostly used with hydroton media. They are generally layout based on the type / size of crop being grown. MORE spacing is of course is needed for larger plants.  

Nutrient Reservoir (Combined):

Sometimes the Root Chamber & Nutrient Reservoir are combined together. This is especially true for smaller home systems. So when they are combined the systems can be almost be both DWC & LPA as the roots will hang down into the solution. If they are not combined than the extra nutrient solution not uptaken by the roots will drain back to the reservoir for re-circulation.

Nutrient Reservoir

Nutrient Reservoir Examples

The reservoir is simply a storage area for already mixed nutrient solution between spraying cycles for Aeroponics. The reservoir like said above can be a separate part of the system many times. This is always true for larger systems but depends on design for small ones.  Larger nutrient reservoirs can add capacity between maintenance but require monitoring of pH and ppM levels. 

Pump (Nutrient solution)

Low Pressure Aeroponic Pump Example

Pump(s) are required to create pressure to spray the plants’ root systems. In Low Pressure Aeroponics, pumps are selected for high volume rather than high pressure. Size needs to be based on design of the system including overall size, number of nozzles, and more. For smaller home based systems, Pond Pumps are popular.  


Low Pressure Aeroponics Mist Spray

Nozzles need to create a good spray pattern to well coat the root systems. In Low Pressure Aeroponics, they are selected for pattern and higher volume. The nozzles will operate at low pressures such as 10-30PSI. 

Low VS High Pressure Aeroponic Systems

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High Pressure Aeroponics

High Pressure Aeroponics (HPA) has the roots completely suspended in the air. A very fine mist (20-50 micros in size) many times 100PSI in the smaller system to 25PSI in commercial systems. Mist is only discharged in the root chamber for few seconds every few minutes. It is by far the most efficient, complicated, and effective form of hydroponics. But systems are by far more complicated than other types of hydroponics. They include high pressure pumps, electric valves, accumulator tanks, pressure valves, and much more.

High Pressure Aeroponic System Diagram
High Pressure Aeroponic System Diagram


  • Most efficient with extremely low water and nutrient use
  • Best plant growth speed and crop yields of any form of Hydroponics. 
  • Many systems can continue to run without power or backup power for periods of time


  • Most costly system
  • Most complicated to setup and run
  • Pump failures can lead to crop failures within hours if not address quickly

Low Pressure Aeroponics (LPA)

In LPA (Low Pressure Aeroponics) the roots are suspended in air and/or partly in the nutrient solution. Then the root system is misted with a nutrient solution on a regular basis. Low Pressure Aeroponics the roots are heavily misted and many times reach down into the nutrient solution reservoir. In LPA, pumps are selected more for higher water volume than pressure. The mist is course and much larger in size than HPA. Some people call it “soakoponics” due to the roots stay dripping wet.  

Low Pressure Aeroponic System Diagram
Low Pressure Aeroponic System Diagram


  • Way more efficient than other types of hydroponics 
  • Still lower initial costs 
  • Way less complicated than High Pressure Aeroponics


  • Pump failures can lead to crop failure if not monitored regularly.
  • Higher water usable than High Pressure Aeroponics

High VS Low Pressure Aeroponics

Initial Cost

Low Pressure Aeroponics wins with a much lower costs. This is due to the system being much less complicated. HPA requires many more different parts for it to operate properly.

Operating Cost

High Pressure Aeroponics wins with much lower operating costs.

  • HPA uses very little nutrient solutions so it saves on nutrient costs. It can use 90% less than some types of hydroponics.
  • HPA just uses a pump to pressurize few times per day when the pressure tank is properly sized. LPA requires the use of a high volume / low pressure pump for hours per day. This means much less energy is use by HPA.

Pump Type

Aquatec 8800 high pressure pump
Aquatec 8800 high pressure pump
  • High Pressure Aeropoincs uses low volume / high pressure pumps for pressurizing the system. This is how 20 – 50 micron droplets are created. Examples: Aquatec 8800 Series
  • Low Pressure Aeroponics uses high volume / low pressure pumps for misting the root systems. This is how the system keeps the roots well supplied with a nutrient solution that is usually re-circulated. Most commonly used pumps are pond type pumps. 
Ecoplus submersible pump
Ecoplus submersible pump

Mist Type

High Pressure Aeroponics Mist being sprayed
High Pressure Aeroponics Mist being sprayed
  • High Pressure Aeroponics has more of a “fog”  mist that is 20-50 microns in size. 
  • Low Pressure Aeroponics has more a spray of mist that is much larger droplet size. 
Low Pressure Aeroponics Mist Spray
Low Pressure Aeroponics Mist Spray

How Nutrient Solution is Managed

  • High Pressure Aeroponics uses very little nutrient solution as the mist is very low volume. Many people choose to go “Drain to Waste” where any extra is let to drain away not to be reused. To limit the waste, this requires tuning the system in very well so not much drips from the root system. This means that new nutrient solution is balanced and doesn’t need to be constantly monitored pH and ppM of nutrients. 
  • Low Pressure Aeroponics is usually always a re-circulating system of the nutrient solution since it uses high volume when spraying. The nutrient solution supply needs to be constantly monitored for ppM of nutrients and pH since it is being reused. 

Ease of Operation

This truly depends on on user’s idea of “ease.” They both have their advantages and disadvantages. Once High Pressure system is set up, I feel HPA is much easier to operate as nutrient solution doesn’t need monitoring except to re-fill it. LPA require constant monitoring and adjusting of the nutrient solution.