
Introduction to High Pressure Aeroponics

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History of Aeroponics

High Pressure Aeroponics (HPA) was developed by NASA looking for a growing system that used the least amount of resources and produced the most plant material. HPA was the ticket for NASA.

Basically the system of HPA is where plant roots are suspended in air with regular misting from high pressure nozzles. NASA found that nutrient solution mist droplets’ size best for plant uptake was 5 to 80 microns. This can be accomplished with HPA systems running at 80 to 150PSI depending on design. 

High Pressure Aeroponics Basics

HPA is the most complicated setup of all the hydroponic systems. The basic idea is plant’s root system is suspended in the air in a 100% humidity root chamber. This chamber has high-pressure nozzles that create 5 – 80 micron mist droplets. This is created with normally about 100PSI through high pressure / low flow nozzles. The mist is shot in bursts normally 3-10 seconds every so many minutes. It uses 70 to 80% fewer nutrients and 90% less water than other hydroponic systems. 

The results of High Pressure Aeroponics are amazing. Plants can take up more nutrients due to their high availability. Oxygen is required for nutrient uptake and this type of hydroponics provides the most oxygen to plant’s root systems. This high efficiency grows crops faster, increasing yields, and much more ecologically. 

High Pressure Aeroponics Setup

HPA systems basically must include a reservoir for nutrients, booster pump for pressure, cycle timer, pressure regulation, and mist nozzles. This basic aeroponic system basically works by the cycle timer turning on the pump at misting intervals. The pressure should be regulated to 80 to 120PSI depending on the nozzles you are using to create correct size range of droplets.   

Optional Improvement: Accumulator Tank

Adding an accumulator tank to the mix allows for way better quality and control over misting. Instead of the pump cycling every mist cycle, the pump charges up the accumulator tank. Generally 20% more than misting PSI level. The timer as seen below is connected to an NC (normally closed) electric valve instead of the pump. During a misting cycle, the timer activates the valve to open and feed the pressurized nutrient solution to the misting nozzles. 

High Pressure Aeroponics Basic Diagram of the System
High Pressure Aeroponics Basic Diagram of the System

Parts List

  • Reservoir: For holding nutrient solution
  • Booster Pump: For creating needed pressure.
  • Accumulator Tank: For holding pressurized nutrient solution to supply mist nozzles.
  • Pressure Relief Valve: Most important part as it is for safety. If the tank is ever over pressured by pump, pressure is relieved off the system so no BOOM! 
  • Pressure gauges: These are for monitoring pressure in the system. First gauge shows pressure in the tank. Second gauge shows what the regulator is regulating it to. 
  • Pressure Regulator: To regulate the pressure down from the tank to normally 80 to 120 PSI. 
  • NC Electric Valve: These are opened when a timer activates them and they allow pressurized solution to the misting nozzles. 
  • Cycle Timer: Time that activate a device in this case the NC Valve. Normally set to 3-6 seconds “On” to 3 – 6 minutes “Off”
  • Mist Nozzles: One of the most important parts. They need to have the correct size opening or “orifice.” Depending on the pressure being used. 
  • Root Chamber: This is where the plants roots are suspended and misted. Some people recirculate any solution that drips down. But many suggest “drain to waste” on extra solution. I believe dialing in your system for efficiency and “drain to waste” is best way to go.  

Advantages of High Pressure Aeroponics

  • Uses 90% less water than other hydroponic systems and soil growing. 
  • Using 70% to 80% less nutrients than other hydroponic system types. Even though the system costs more to install, its operating costs are cheaper in many ways. 
  • Most efficient method of growing when considering higher yields and greatly decreased crop turnover time.
  • Less chance of disease issues in plants as HPA is so clean.

In Conclusion

HPA is by far the most advanced and best hydroponic system. But it is not for everyone. We have a blog post that gives an overview of the different types of hydroponic systems (Click Here to view). 

At Hydro-Unlimited, we are reaching a dream we have had for a long time. This dream is the development of a full HPA system for production like every other hydroponic type has. Plus an offering of a DIY Kit for the building of an HPA system, that takes the extensive research requirements of building an HPA system away. 

Hydroponic Nutrient Solution Management Overview

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Nutrient Solution Management Introduction

The nutrient solution is what your plants’ root systems are being irrigated with to feed them. Having a quality solution that you keep maintained is a huge factor in the success of your hydroponic grow. You have to control the Fertilizer Level (ppM level of minerals in the solution), pH (Acidic or Netural), Temperature, Cleanliness, and Aeration of the Solution.  

Fertilizer Levels

Nutrient Solution Monitor
Nutrient Solution Monitor

Fertilizer Levels are measured normally in ppM (Parts Per Million). So depending on your crop, ppM measurements can range. Also some hydroponic systems require less ppM levels such as High Pressure Aeropoinics. 

Mixing is normally roughly done per bottle instructions of concentrate to distilled water ratios. It is normally done with measurement of ounces of concreate to gallons of water. If levels are not within a good growing range, plants could show signs of nutrient deficiency or fertilizer burn depending on levels. 

Distilled Water or RO system is important to getting a good ppM level. Well or Public Water can have heavy amounts of minerals that could throw the ppM level off.   

ppM can be measured with mechanical meters made for spot checking levels. But they can get advanced as “live” measurements and/or where it monitors to add additional nutrient concretrate into the solution as needed and automatically.. 

pH of the Nutrient Solution

Plant pH Nutrient Availability Chart
Plant pH Nutrient Availability Chart

pH of the nutrient solution is extremely important. Plants all have preferred pH level ranges. Why this is important is due to plants take up nutrients at certain pH ranges most efficiently, pH nutrient availability. If pH is too far out of the range, plants could actually stare even with nutrients there. This is due to pH nutrient availability range. Also why certain nutrient deficiencies are more common due to being on the edge of the pH range for a plant.  

pH is controlled with pH Up to increase pH level (Make more neutral)  and pH Down to lower pH levels (Make more acidic). There are cheap test strips, mechanical spot meters, and extremely advanced systems. The extremely advanced systems can provide “live” pH monitoring, automatic pH dosing, and more. Small residential grow generally monitor the levels with a meter and add pH solution to the nutrient solution manually. 

General Hydroponics pH Up & Down Solution
General Hydroponics pH Up & Down Solution

Temperature of the Solution

Temperature of the nutrient solution should be maintained within certain ranges. Room temperature is fine for hydroponic growing. Temperature issues are normally caused by growing being outside, greenhouse, or warmer climates. Temperature of the solution should be regularly monitored especially in a warmer growing conditions. Many small growers just check temperature and take action when they see an issue. Some more advanced systems will monitor temperature “live” and activate temperature controls. Temperature controls can be chillers or heaters depending on temperature range issue.   


Growing solution maintained to be clean for multiple reasons. Solution with cleanliness issue can be susceptible algae growth and root borne diseases. Algae is normally caused by too much light expose to the solution. Disease are normally caused by not changing out the nutrient solution on a regular basis. 

Algae issues depend a lot on the light level exposure. This can be controlled by having black or dark colored reservoir. Some people make the mistake of getting a white or clear reservoir which causes horrible algae issues. Algae can clog up hydroponic systems especially in Aeroponics with filters, mist nozzles, and etc. 

Root borne disease can be spread in hydroponic systems and take out whole crops. Many times they are caused by low cleanliness of hydropinic system (Should clean after every drop rotation) or not changing solution on a regular basis. You can maintain a reservoir of nutrient solution for up to few weeks in smaller systems. For many reasons, Low Pressure Aeroponic is normally best with “Drain to Waste” and not circulating like the other types.   

Aeration Level of the Solution

Air Pump with air stone in Hydroponic Solution

Aeration of the Nutrient Solution is important to hydroponics. It is accomplished in different ways depending on the type of hydroponic system you are using. Systems with lower/no water circulation such as DWC, require air pumps that add O2 to the nutrient solution. Other types of hydroponics with more water movement such as Aeroponics do not always require air pumps in their reservoirs. But if a larger reservoir is being used, air pumps are not a bad additional item even when not “needed.”

In Conclusion

In conclusion, this is basic hydroponic nutrient solution management. It is vital to success with your grow. Remember fertilizer and pH levels are very crop dependent so always do your research on what you are growing. Other factors are general in nature to good hydroponic growing.   

Indoor Growing Environmental Factors

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So you are starting an indoor grow? Indoor growing environmental factors and their management is KEY to the most successful grow. The better you can dial in the environment, you can greatly increase yields of anything you are growing. Below I am going to talk about the most important Factors to try and control. 


Lighting if you are growing indoors is one of the most important environmental factor but easy to control. You need to control the timing, spectrum of light, and intensity of light. This is accomplished with timers, proper lights, and adjustable light hanging systems.   


Timing is how long the plants are exposed to light and in darkness each 24 hour period. This is accomplished with light timers. They work by have the lights plugged into them so a relay can turn the power on or off to the lighting system. Timing depends on the growth stage of your plants. Seedlings, Vegetative, and Flowering stages have different recommendations. These are normally tuned in depending on type of crop being grown. 

Simple Grow Light Timer
Simple Grow Light Timer

Above is a Simple Grow Light Timer that is a 24 hour mechanical cycle timer. They are very dependable and accurate. You will also see digital timers. These simple timers normally only control one lighting system at a time.

Below you will see an example of a commercial timer. These timer can be simple mechanical while controlling multiple lighting systems. But many of them now a days are digital and have remote control via WiFi or app. All your lighting systems plug into one timer in this case. They have pickup in popularity for residential grows in grow rooms and green houses where multiple lights are in use.   

example of commercial grow light controller
Example of Commercial Grow Light Controller

Light Spectrum

Light Spectrum is vey important to plant development as you need to “copy” sunlight seasonally.  Plants love more Blue spectrum during the vegetative stage then more red / orange during the flowering stage. Some lighting systems are full spectrum like many LED but others you have to run different bulbs to get the correct spectrum control. (Check out our blog on types of grow lights)

Light Spectrum Plants need for growth

Light Intensity

Light intensity is very important to proper growth of your plants. It is accomplished with light system sizing and proper distance hanging above plants. Sizing is normally based on wattage of the lighting system. Many lighting systems will tell you in specifications what Wattage is best for amount of “growing space.”

Next is spacing between plant and growing light. Spacing can be adjustable with adjustable light hangers. The spacing will vary depending on the type of lighting system for multiple reasons. Lights such as HID type which have greater “throwing” distance so can be set further away. LED types of systems need to be placed closer to the plants.  Also some lighting systems such as HID create a lot more heat so they need to be placed further than LED (Which runs very cool) so plants are not damaged. 

Grow room lighting distance explain


Temperature inside your growing environment is very important. All plants have preferred growing temperature range that should be controlled. This should be monitored with a temperature gage which can be as simple as showing you. Than there are more advanced options that have relays to control different temperature manipulating devices. These more advanced devices can turn on these devices if the temperature reading goes outside of a certain range. 

grow temperature control unit
Grow Temperature Control Unit

Devices used to control temperature can range from fans, A/C units, and heaters. Many people run fans from oscillating to inline duct fans constantly to keep air flow. A/C units and heaters are normally used for grows in non temperature controlled structures such as greenhouses and unfinished buildings / basements. 


Humidity is vey important as plants’ general overall health. It is basically the moisture level in the air. If it is too low it can cause plants to transpire too much and dry out. If it is too high than it can encourage different fungal diseases. 

You can monitor humidity similar to temperature and many temperature gages generally include humidity. Unless you are using heat which can dry out the air, most of the time humidity control is about even distribution through your grow space. Plants create humidity by transpiration so close to plants leaf canopy can have higher humidity level compared to rest of room if there is not air movement. So oscillating fans are popular to keep air circulating around the grow space. Exhaust fans can be used to lower humidity also

oscillating fan for grow room

Next Blog Post on Environmental Factors

Hydroponic Growing Environments

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Hydroponic systems generally do best in well controlled indoor growing environments. This is mostly accomplished by a few different methods. They include greenhouses, grow tents, grow rooms, and grow cabinets. This allows for cleanliness, control of the environmental factors, and more. Controlling the environment increases yields, crop quality, and less issues with the hydroponic system. 

Main Types of Grow Environments


Greenhouses range from small residential wall units to massive commercial operations. Wooden structures with glass have become a things of the past. They have been replaced by metal structure with polycarbonate “glass.” These structures are not only cheaper but last longer than traditional greenhouses. 

Hydroponic Greenhouse Example
Hydroponic Greenhouse Example


  • Provide great environmental control if setup correctly. With heating systems they can be used year around even during harsh winters. 
  • If lighting systems are used, they are used as supplemental light as greenhouses allow for sunlight.
  • Many times provide more room than other grow environment options


  • Generally the most expensive option by far.
  • May be unavailable to people without land to install them on. 
  • Some land especially in HOA’s may have covenant restriction against building a greenhouse at your home.

Grow Rooms

Grow rooms are also a popular option for people that have extra space in their basements. Basically you have a walled off room, walls need to be flat white, and electrical available. You will need to install all the ventilations and grow lighting will be required unlike a greenhouse. But many times people build them similar size or larger than many residential greenhouses. They are mostly seen as the best truly indoor option.

Grow Room Diagram
Grow Room Diagram


  • Can be done in houses inside HOA’s or restrictive land covenants due to its inside the house. 
  • Depending if you already have a walled off room in your basement, can be much cheaper than building a greenhouse


  • Requires grow lights unlike the greenhouse
  • Can be expensive if you have to wall off a new room in your basement.

Grow Tent

Grow Tents are a great option for people that have less space than a full grow room. They are like their names sounds, a frame holding up a tent to create this controlled environment for your plants. They can also be a great option for someone wanting something the size of a grow room but do not want to wall off their basement. We carry a Mar Hydro 8’X8′ unit that is like a mini grow room in size. 

Mars Hydro 4'x4' Grow Tent
Mars Hydro 4'x4' Grow Tent


  • Very cheap and affordable option compared to above two.
  • Portable if you ever need to move it.
  • Provides a great controlled growing environment for your plants.


  • Require grow lighting to provide all light for plants
  • Wear out faster than above two more expensive options. But you can get years of service out of a quality product. 

Grow Cabinets / Boxes

This method of controlled growing environment is normally the smallest. They can be as small as a PC up to a large wall cabinet. Most people that use them live in apartments or have limited space. They are popular as they are less obvious in appearance compared to a more affordable grow tent.   

Grow Box example


  • More stealthy in appearance compared to any other option.
  • Many sizes available to fit even small spaces.
  • Portable if needed. 


  • More expensive than a Grow Tent
  • Customization is more difficult 
  • Harder to transport as they can be very heavy

Grow Tent Overview

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Grow tents are amazing growing tools especially in the urban environment. Best grows have controlled environment and they can provide that like a greenhouse. BUT in your home including apartments. We have partnered with Mars Hydro for LED lighting and they have a full line of grow tents also. So we will be referencing their produce lines which we fully recommend. I will give the basics of grow tents below!

What is Grow Tent?

Grow tents are similar to what you would think by its name. They are tents which are usually held up with metal or plastic frames to create a closed off growing space. The tent material is usually a canvas material that is either white or reflective on the inside surface. 

Mars Hydro Grow 2x2 tent
Mars Hydro Grow Tent frame

What is the Purpose of a Grow Tent?

A grow tent offer additional control of the environment that your indoor grow is experiencing. Many people can’t setup whole grow rooms nor have the outside space for a green house. Grow tents offer a smaller version of these types of spaces for a very affordable price.

  • Controlling temperature, light exposure, humidity, CO2 levels, and etc are all possible with a Grow Tent (and proper equipment). This is extremely important depending on crop as control of different factors can greatly increase yields and quality.
  • Cost of Grow Tents is a fraction of the cost of a greenhouse or building an indoor grow room. This makes it a way better option for residential small grows. 

What to look for in a Grow Tent?


You need to look at the weight rating of the frame and construction. Metal frames are best due to they are more rigid and stronger than plastic frames. This is important due to your lighting system, ventilation (fans, carbon filter, and etc.) will need to be hung from its framing. I highly suggest staying with metal frames even if it costs slightly more. 

Tent Material

Material should be a high quality canvas that is either flat/matt white or reflective. High quality is important as you do not want tears or light leaks. Finally the construction should be double stitched with heavy duty zippers.

Also you want to look at the options of the tent canvas. Options included such as:

  • Observation flaps (for quick checkups)
  • Adjustable ventilation holes for installation of ducts, fans, and/or carbon filtration.
  •  Adjustable port holes for irrigation lines, wiring, and etc.  

Types of Grow Lighting Systems

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Every indoor grow from a small residential grow in a closet to large scale greenhouse operations all need grow lights. Grow lights provide all or supplement lighting needs of the plants. The main types used to LED, HID (MH & HPS), and Compact Fluorescent lighting. They all have their advantages and disadvantages.   

LED Grow Lights

LED Grow light spectrum

LED Lighting systems have been around for along time. But in the pass they were much more expensive for the same light intensity as other solutions such as HID or Sodium lighting. This has recently changed so LED Grow Light Systems are becoming the most popular grow light solution for both residential and commercial growing operations. 


  • Lowest energy user
  • Lowest heat production
  • No bulbs to replace on regular basis
  • Most LED systems are full spectrum instead of needing two different bulbs and/or systems for veg and flower stages


  • Generally do not have as good as “light pentration” as other systems so lighting height needs to be monitored and adjusted more. 
  • Most system once they start failing need to be completely replaced instead of just changing a bulb.

Hydro-Unlimited's offering

We highly believe in LED lighting due to its many different advantages that used to be somewhat canceled out due to higher cost. Now with technology and manufacturing improvements of LED, pricing is “in-line” with other solutions making LED grow lighting my #1 suggestion for any grow needing all its light or supplemental lighting. We have partnered with Mars Hydro which has become a leader in quality but affording LED Grow Light Solutions. CHECK OUT OUR ONLINE STORE!

HID (High Intensity Discharge) Grow Lighting System

High Intensity Discharge Grow Light
High Intensity Discharge Grow Light Reflector
High Intensity Discharge Grow Light Ballast
High Intensity Discharge Grow Light Ballast

HID Grow Lights have been the main commercial grow light for years. The bulbs are built like traditional gas bulbs where the bulb is filled with certain gas with two electrodes for charge. HID Lighting has held its position as main grow light due to their ability to produce high light output and brightness dependably. Depending on the type of bulb used, the light spectrum will vary. The two most popular HID bulbs for growing is MH (Metal Halide) and HPS (High Pressure Sodium). The difference is mainly what gas is in the bulb and they create different light spectrums. HID Systems generally consist of Grow Light deflector, bulb, ballast, and power cord. Large systems can also include air cooling and ducting due to the large amount of heat they can put off. Many people get ballasts capable of running both types of bulbs to save on cost. 

MH (Metal Halide) Bulb

Metal Halide Grow Bulb
Metal Halide (MH) Grow Bulb

Metal Halide bulbs are filled with gas that creates mainly Blue light spectrum. These are usually used for the “vegetative” stage of growth. 

HPS (High Pressure Sodium) Bulb

HID High Pressure Sodium Grow Light Bulb
High Pressure Sodium Grow Light Bulb (HPS)

High Pressure Sodium bulbs are filled with gas that creates mainly Red and Orange light spectrum. HPS is mainly used for the “Flowering” stage of growth. 


  • Good light penetration over other types of grow lights
  • Dependable “time tested” system of grow lights
  • Large selection of reflector, ballast, and bulb combinations available


  • Generates the most heat while in use to the point of larger ones needing air cooling.
  • Bulbs have to replaced regularly to keep light lumens up.
  • Need different bulbs for growing stages.
  • Uses of the most electricity of all the lighting system types by far. 

Compact Fluorescent Grow Lighting

Compact Fluorescent grow light bulb
Compact Fluorescent grow light bulb

Compact Fluorescent grow light bulbs used to be very popular in small scale grows as they were affordable, low energy use, and created way less heat than HID Lights. They have lowered in popularity with the pricing of LED grow lights coming so far down. People that use them now mostly do for “supplemental” light such as “side lights” instead of primary lighting system. 


  • Low cost 
  • Does not require a ballast like HID
  • Low energy use


  • Limited light penetration ability
  • Requires different bulbs for different growth stages due to not being full spectrum like LED
  • Bulbs need to be replaced regularly for quality of light produced. 

Different Types of Hydroponic System

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Hydroponics is the agricultural method of growing plants in the none traditional medium of water/air instead of soil. Against popular belief, hydroponics is an extremely old agricultural method but only became a household name in the last 20 or so years. There are many different types of systems that all have their advantages and disadvantages. Below I will be giving a short overview of each of the most common types.

Deepwater Culture Hydroponics

Deepwater Culture Hydroponic System Diagram

What is Deepwater Culture Hydroponics?

DWC Hydroponics is a method of growing where the roots of the plants are suspended in a well aerated nutrient solution. It is one of the simplest and most common type of hydroponics. It only has few parts including the root chamber, air pump, airline, airstone, and net pots. The pH and nutrient concentration has to be monitored regularly to ensure plant health. 


  • One of simplest especially for DYI
  • Cheap cost to get started
  • Very little can go wrong during grow


  • One of least efficient hydroponic system
  • One of the most high water usage of hydroponics

Drain & Flood Hydroponics

Drain & Flood Hydroponic System Diagram

What is Drain & Flood Hydroponics?

Drain & Flood Hydroponics does not have all the roots of the plants constantly suspended in nutrient solution. Instead there is a separate reservoir and root chamber where the aerated nutrient solution is pumped from the reservoir to “flood” the root chamber. Than the extra solution drains slowly back to the reservoir. This is all done on a set interval controlled by a timer.  


  • Less change of algae growth or diseases
  • Not many moving parts to break
  • Still very simple and cost effective for DIY system


  • Not much more efficient than DWC
  • Still high water usage
  • Pump has to be monitored to ensure it is operating or plants will die.

NFT Hydroponics

Nutrient Film Hydroponic System Diagram

NFT hydroponics is what I would call a mix of DWC and Drain & Flood. The nutrient solution is pumped into the root chamber on one side and drains out the other side circulating. The root system are exposed to more air than DWC but also has nutrient solution circulation like Drain & Flood. It is very popular for large scale operations of herbs and leafy greens.  


  • Great for large scale production
  • Allows for easier nutrient solution management 
  • Inexpensive initial costs to setup


  • If pump goes out, nutrient solution flow stops and crop failure if not noticed quickly enough
  • High water use

Low Pressure Aeroponics (LPA)

Low Pressure Aeroponic System Diagram

In general, Aeroponics is much different than other types of hydroponics. In aeroponics, the roots are suspended in air and misted with nutrient solution on a regular basis. Low pressure aeroponics the roots are heavily misted and many times reach down into the nutrient solution reservoir. In LPA, pumps are selected more for higher water volume than pressure. The mist is course and larger in size.  


  • Way more efficient than other types of hydroponics 
  • Still lower initial costs 
  • Way less complicated than High Pressure Aeroponics


  • Pump failures can lead to crop failure if not monitored regularly.
  • Higher water usable than High Pressure Aeroponics

High Pressure Aeroponics (HPA)

High Pressure Aeroponic System Diagram

High Pressure Aeroponics (HPA) has the roots completely suspended in the air. A very fine mist many times 100PSI in smaller system only discharges in the root chamber for few second very few minutes. It is by far the most efficient, complicated, and effective form of hydroponics. But systems are by far more complicated than other types of hydroponics. They include high pressure pumps, electric valves, accumulator tanks, pressure valves, and much more.


  • Most efficient with extremely low water and nutrient use
  • Best plant growth speed and crop yields of any form of Hydroponics. 
  • Many systems can continue to run without power or backup power for periods of time


  • Most costly system
  • Most complicated to setup and run
  • Pump failures can lead to crop failures within hours if not address quickly

Check out our new blog post Overview of High Pressure Aeroponics (Click here). We are creating a section dedicated to HPA due to it is our specialty. 


Aquaponics Hydroponic System Diagram

Aquaponics is many times similar to NFT where the nutrient solution circulates between reservoir and root chamber. But the big difference is the nutrient source. In Aquaponics, it is a balanced mini-ecosystem with fish instead of adding nutrients. The fish create waste that dissolves in the water for the plants to feed off. Many larger scale Aquaponics operations are farming both the plants grown and the fish being used. 


  • Extremely environmental form of agriculture.
  • Low need for additional chemical products to maintain nutrient solution.
  • Can grow plants and fish at the same time.


  • Complicated system and higher costs with similar yield results as other systems
  • Balancing the system to be most efficient takes a lot of knowledge of both plants, aquaponics, and fish care. 

Partner Blogs

New way we want to benefit our readers is going to be adding links to other QUALITY blogs with additional information on our subjects. Check them out below as we add them to articles. 


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Welcome to my new/old blog about hydroponics Hydro-Unlimited. I am, Chris, a hydroponics expert through both experience and education. I will be writing many different types of articles that have to do with hydroponics, green houses, and particularly high pressure aeroponics. I started this website in 2007 which bloomed into a success Hydroponics blog and online store. I scaled back to follow my career in landscape design but recently wanted to branch back out. I hope everyone will enjoy and learn truly the best growing method available for feeding our starving world.

Hydroponics is basically the method of growing plants in a water or mist media instead of traditional soil medium. Hydroponics has proven grow plants more efficiently and quickly than traditional agriculture. There are many different types of hydroponics including Deepwater Culture (DWC), Drain & Flood, Aeroponics (Low & High Pressure), and few others. They all have their “Pro’s” and “Con’s.”

I hope you will come back to start reading my articles I will be writing on the many different subjects. Also if you are an expert yourself, please Contact Us if you are interested in writing a guest article for the blog!